Enigma Alliance is a Chelsea Group company


15 Ways We Will Transform Your Remote Site Operations

Latest News March 01, 2018
15 Ways We Will Transform Your Remote Site Operations

While the Enigma Smart Site Services (ESSS) portfolio of products can be used anywhere in the world, they were created with the challenging environments of remote site operations in mind.

The products were designed by a team who have extensive experience working in some of the most inhospitable locations on the planet, and who are familiar with the realities of operating in challenging places: areas where drinking local water safely is out of the question, where when it comes to where you lay your head comfort and security is often compromised, and where maintaining fitness and wellbeing is low on the agenda.

The ESSS team realised what a difference could be made to field operation teams with comfortable and secure accommodation (NapCap), water systems that purify to international standards (WaterCap) and a simple yet well-thought out and durable gym system (GymCap). The vision behind ESSS is to make the inhospitable, home and to contribute to a happier and more productive team on the ground.

The ‘smart’ part comes in through the modular design that puts practicality high on the list. All of Enigma Smart Site Services products can be easily transported and quickly assembled or disassembled.

Here are 15 ways that Enigma Smart Site Services will transform your remote site operations.

NapCap Comfort Smart Site Services


Built for remote living and working, NapCap container accommodation units offer comfort, quality and peace of mind. The standard unit is 40 feet with two bedrooms and en-suite bathrooms.

  1. Security design in line with UN MOSS standards
  2. Forget flimsy prefabs, NapCaps are built new and certified to ISO standards
  3. Can be stacked, added on to or easily adapted to new purposes
  4. Executive model comes with high-end finishes including double bed, en-suite bathroom, desk and sofa
  5. Portable by air, sea and rail

WaterCap Smart Site Services


Clean, safe, drinkable water is an invaluable asset in remote areas and water security is a global topic. WaterCap offers peace of mind; so much so that you can drink straight from the tap.

  1. Cutting edge water-purification and waste management
  2. Reverse Osmosis and De-Salination systems
  3. Drinking water to World Health Organisation-standards
  4. Pre-engineered for quick connection and maintenance
  5. Low power consumption footprint

GymCap Smart Site Services


Staying fit and healthy while out in the field is vital to keeping morale up and burning off that extra steam. This is why we’ve designed our modular gym solution to be suitable for any terrain, anywhere in the world. The standard offering is a double container with a connecting rig, but GymCaps can be custom-made to clients’ specifications.

  1. Built by an approved UK MOD Physical Training Equipment Contractor
  2. Each GymCap can be deployed or packed up in 48 hours with minimal tools and equipment
  3. Completely durable and built to withstand the elements
  4. The latest low-maintenance, self-powered treadmill, rower, air bike and cross trainers are pre-installed
  5. Fully insulated with heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC)

Chelsea Village, our flagship accommodation camp in Mogadishu, is a great example of how NapCap, WaterCap and GymCap come together to create an environment for employees that is safe, comfortable and enjoyable – taking your remote site operations to a whole new level.

Providing peace of mind, expert organisation and on-the-ground support, Enigma Smart Site Services offers either an end-to-end camp solution or select products and maintenance, for clients who are required to perform specialised tasks, often under extreme conditions.

Contact daniel.stewart@chelseagroupworldwide.com for more information