Positive Growth During Lockdown at Chelsea Village
Limitations of Lockdown
Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel has become increasingly difficult during these unprecedented times of lockdown, physical distancing and endless Zoom calls. Some of our clients have travelled back to their home countries to isolate with family and learn how to navigate the pitfalls of working from home; while there are those who have become unemployed through the pandemic
The Chelsea Village staff, local and international however, have all remained employed including the team who are at home unable to fly to work. This a strong commitment from Enigma Alliance and the Chelsea Group who believe in looking after the team as a family.
It’s a priority for us to take the best care possible of our staff who remain at Chelsea Village – some for over five months due to global travel restrictions and unable to fly home to their loved ones. They in turn have the time, energy and attention to continue to ensure the safety, comfort and happiness of our clients who are also part of the Chelsea Village family
Even though we still have 100% of our local staff employed, all of them were sent home to look after their family, meaning the Chelsea Village expat chefs, engineers, cleaners, guards and managers have all had to unite to fill the gaps and maintain the high standards we strive to deliver to our clients.
Team Spirit Put to the Test in Lockdown
Not only are the team learning new roles and new operating procedures due to COVID-19 but they have also managed to find a remarkable team spirit to stay buoyant, upbeat and jovial even after months of lockdown. There is a great sense of team spirit in the air and the team have adapted to the new normal in a very optimistic manner.
Our hope has been to instil an ethos within the team that stresses the importance of a healthy mind and body. Through daily reflection and exercise, as well as a flexible working day, team members are given the time to focus on their personal goals, be empowered and plug into their creativity and passion at work.
Group Goals and Personal Goals
Led by the team leaders, the team have been inspired to pursue personal goals hitherto unattainable. In the last month alone, Fred Mbevi, Head of Housekeeping, has managed to lose 10kg by adjusting his diet and increasing his exercise routine; Gigo from our Maintenance/Construction Team, has shed over 10kg and astonishingly kicked the habit of smoking over two packets of cigarettes a day.
Lastly, Max, Head of Logistics, has changed his routine to include a daily run after work and set aside time for push-ups, sit-ups, stretching and time with the family over video calls. Giving the team more flexible working hours and dedicated time for exercise and personal development is a testimony of the great energy and vibe at Chelsea Village regardless of what challenges our family are faced with.
Our team have not only achieved their personal goals but have used this period of lockdown to design exciting new plans for Chelsea Village, whether that be upgrading security infrastructure, expanding the camp or installing new features to make the camp even more comfortable. Stay tuned for the new upgrades due shortly to arrive at Chelsea Village including our brand new Executive and VIP rooms.
“At the beginning of the lockdown I was surrounded by bad news in the media. Having been inspired by others in the Chelsea Village Team, I thought now was the time to change my lifestyle. I saw that smokers were more likely to be affected by COVID-19, so after 27 years I quit smoking and I’ve lost 10 kgs through daily exercise.” – Gigo, Maintenance Team
“During these tough times of lockdown, I thought it would be good to work on my weight. Doing so has energised me; I even feel younger.” – Fred, Head of Housekeeping
“Positivity is my greatest immunity. Lockdown has given me an opportunity to gain control of work-life balance and define a new way of living. The positivity in our life is a function of our thinking. So think positive, stay positive! Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. Focus on your character, not your reputation. Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes.” –Max, Head of Logistics